First and foremost I cannot be credited with creating the 1,2,3,4 concept myself as I was taught it through my training with the CHEK Institute. However I am excited to share and exemplify what it is all about in its simplest form. I frequently use this approach as an effective way of coaching someone to improved health and goal accumulation. Furthermore, I have used this approach in developing my own personal and professional development.


1 represents your dream or goal in life. Maybe you would like to become a professional athlete in your chosen sport, maybe you would like to lose 8 pounds, maybe you would like to run your own business. Whatever your dream is you can use the application of this approach to guide you there. If you are unsure as to what your goal is, ask yourself, What is your nightmare? Additionally some other useful questions can be, what do you dream about? What makes you feel good? What are you passionate about? What would be your chosen work environment? What is the income you need to live your desired lifestyle? Hopefully these questions have given you some food for thought. Typically my advice is to establish a motive, avoid dwelling on what you do not have, and be realistic in ascertaining your dream or goal. It is only then that once our dream is identified we begin making progress in leaving our legacy.

1 2 3 4 blog


This essentially means balance. How do we balance our work and our rest? As an example If you are too yang you live your life at 100mph and deprive yourself of adequate rest and you use coffee, convenience foods, sugar, to get through your day on a regular basis. A person adopting this lifestyle will typically be dehydrated,sleep deprived, and be potentially working in a highly stressful environment. This of course is not always the case but these are some common examples I frequently see.

If you are too yin which is less common, it essentially means you may not have enough stress in your life, you rest too much, you may be bored, you may have no desire to do or achieve anything. A relative example is when you take a week off work and just lie around all day doing nothing, subsequently you eventually get bored and may soon develop a desire to actually do something like exercise

It is vital you effectively balance these 2 forces to achieve a state of “baseline health” . Once you apply and buy in to this principle you will eventually use the signals from your body to either work or rest. WORK HARD, REST HARD.


You effectively have 3 choices to make; optimal, sub-optimal, and indifferent. Optimal means you are making the correct decision that runs congruently with your goal, indifferent means you are making a decision that will prevent you from achieving your goal, and sub- optimal means you are

making a compromised choice in between optimal and indifferent which is considered better than indifferent.

For example if your goal was to lose 8 pounds and you went out to a nice restaurant for a meal and you decided that you were going to make the optimal decision to support your goal you would probably have meat and vegetables as your main course. if you decided you wanted to have pizza and chips with mayonnaise then that may NOT support your goal. ( Indifferent). Additionally if you decided to have a side of chips with your meat and vegetables this may be defined as a sub optimal choice.



Your 4 doctors core values should illustrate and reflect the life you want to live.

Dr Happy– is what creates happiness for you? Things you should consider are growth, creativity, dreams, motive, learning, satiation, and mental self – management. If you are not happy in your life then the appropriate changes must be considered.

Dr Quiet– is the chief doctor in my opinion. Dr quiet relates to your sleep and rest. Ideally you should be getting around 8 hours of sleep per night falling a asleep around 10- 10:30 pm and awaking around 6:00- 7:00am. Additionally how you choose to rest also plays an integral role too. Napping for 10-20 minutes, exercising at a low intensity for some people is recognised as active rest, and passive rest should not reduce your ability to perform your primary activities such as a sport.

Dr Movement– how much exercise do you need? do you work out? Or do you work in? Working in essentially means accumulating energy. Ask yourself how much time do you need in order to accomplish my goal?

Dr Diet – what quality ,and type of foods will you eat to achieve your goal? How much water will you drink? What is the best proportion of plant and animal foods for you? Firstly i recommend you discover your Metabolic Type this way you can implement a foundation to start from. Following this you can then practice the foods that promote optimal performance for your body. Metabolic typing does require some coaching initially but the rewards soon become apparent with both commitment and practice. Furthermore consider the foods you can have as a reward for sticking to your own program.

In conclusion your personal 1,2,3,4 program is going to be unique based upon your individual aspirations but I highly recommend you start your life change today by purchasing the book- How to eat, move, and be healthy by Paul Chek, this will start you in the correct position to turning your life around. Furthermore I can help you too in achieving what you never thought you could achieve.

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