Past experiences inspired me to write this blog and I have been through some of the related experiences myself and supported other people in Harrogate through the same path to improving digestion. If you are suffering with a digestive order such as leaky gut syndrome, IBS, or any other digestive disorder please take a look at the 21 steps below as they will help provide you with a starting base towards improved health. Please be aware that they are general points and individuals can respond differently, in which case some people will require some customised help and testing to support their individual needs. Please feel free to contact me for support with this.

20 tips for improving digestion


1. The first step to good digestion is choosing the right foods to eat. If you are choosing to eat fast foods it will be reflected in your digestion in most cases. 

2. Consume 1-2 glasses of water 15 minutes before each meal

3. Avoid processed foods such as microwave meals as they are enzyme and nutrient deficient

4. If digestion is poor and you have loose stools you should test of food allergy/intolerance

5. Eat as much raw and minimally processed whole foods as possible.

6. Use a digestive enzyme as needed particularly if there is a hydrochloric acid deficiency.

7. Beware of grains and seeds as they contain phytic acids which are mineral inhibitors. Also beware of gluten containing foods. This will apply to the majority of people.

8. Drink your water, chew your food. Food should be chewed until liquified

9. Eat smaller meals more frequently to take the pressure off the digestive system

10. Start meals with enzyme rich foods and greens for support

11. Avoid mixing root vegetables and fruits with animal flesh (meat). Although Raw pineapple and Papaya can help in supporting digestion when people eat flesh foods

12. Avoid consuming water when eating as it can dilute digestive fluids in your body.

13. Avoid eating in stressful situation – don’t watch the news, instead play relaxing music.

14. Those with digestive issues should not read while eating as the eyes are reflexively linked to digestion

15. Use unprocessed sea salt as needed it can help support hydrochloric acid which helps to chemically break down the food in your stomach

16. Exercise as it will stimulate digestions and metabolism

17. Avoid or minimise food additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers, artificial colours and sweeteners.

18. Avoid alcohol and sweet drinks before and during meals, This often disrupts blood sugar levels which are followed by a crash and release in cortisol (stress hormone).

19. Be careful with coffee particularly on an empty stomach unless you add a fat source such as organic cream or butter. This will help slow down the release of caffeine. Espresso is the most ideal form of coffee because it has less caffeine. Use organic beans.

20. Use a high quality probiotic and consume foods natural in beneficial bacteria like sauerkraut and raw goats yogurt. 

21. Eat for your metabolic type to ensure you have the right proportions of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. More information on this in my ebook “flatten your abs forever”.

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Please feel free to get in touch should you require further assistance.