The Four Point Tummy Vacuum is a great core exercise for activating the transverse abdominus (TVA). The TVA is an integral part of the the inner unit musculature which helps to stabilise the spine, support the organs, and assists with respiration. Unfortunately, people often place too much emphasis on the outer unit. The outer unit musculature mainly consists of the rectus abdominus and the external obliques; these are the big muscles you see when you look in the mirror. The outer unit muscles are also responsible for performing the bigger movements. It is safe to say that you need a symbiotic relationship between the outer and inner unit when performing functional daily activities such as squatting, lunging, bending, pulling, pushing, twisting, and gait. When too much emphasis is placed on building six pack abs you essentially neglect the inner unit muscles which can lead to postural syndromes and in some cases pain.

If you are suffering with low back pain the four point tummy vacuum would be a fantastic exercise to start with. In my practice I frequently get clients present with back pain only to later discover they do not have a working TVA. Once the TVA is then activated the back pain diminishes. This is not always the case but i can honestly say it has been that simple for some clients.Four Point Tummy Vacuum

This exercise can be performed at home or in the gym. Start by performing 1 set of 10 repetitions and build up towards 3 sets of 10 repetitions. For further guidance please watch and like my video for a clear demonstration of the exercise.

How to Do a Four Point Kneeling Tummy Vacuum

1.Kneel on the floor with your shoulders directly above your hands and hips directly above knees.

2.Let the intestinal contents rest against the abdominal wall. This will put a pre-stretch on the TVA.

3.Holding neutral spinal alignment, take a deep diaphragmatic breath as your belly button drops towards the floor.

4.Then exhale and draw the belly button toward the spine and slightly upward. DO NOT TRY TO TIGHTEN YOUR ABDOMINALS!

5. Keep the neutral spine position you see in the picture below. Hold the umbilicus against the spine for ten seconds. Relax for ten seconds and repeat the process ten times.

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